Interface G2Audit

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface G2Audit
    extends G2Fallible
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Defines the Java interface to the G2 audit functions. The G2 audit functions primarily provide means of auditing the records and entities in the repository.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cancelSession​(long session)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Cancels an audit session and closes it even if it is in the middle of an operation (especially getSummaryData(long,StringBuffer).
      void closeReport​(long reportHandle)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This function closes the report handle that was previously obtained from openSession() and subsequently releases the associated system resources.
      int closeReportV2​(long reportHandle)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This function closes the report handle that was previously obtained from openSession() and subsequently releases the associated system resources.
      void closeSession​(long session)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Closes an audit session that was previously opened with openSession().
      int destroy()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Uninitializes the G2 audit API.
      String fetchNext​(long reportHandle)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This function is used to fetch the next audit group from an audit report using the specified audit report handle.
      int fetchNextV2​(long reportHandle, StringBuffer response)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This function is used to fetch the next audit group from an audit report using the specified audit report handle.
      long getAuditReport​(long session, String fromDataSource, String toDataSource, int matchLevel)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Uses the specified session handle obtained from openSession() to create an audit report for the entities connected at the specified match level having the specified data sources.
      int getAuditReportV2​(long session, String fromDataSource, String toDataSource, int matchLevel, Result<Long> reportHandle)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Uses the specified session handle obtained from openSession() to create an audit report for the entities connected at the specified match level having the specified data sources.
      int getSummaryData​(long session, StringBuffer response)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Obtains an audit summary using the specified session handle previously obtained from openSession().
      int getSummaryDataDirect​(StringBuffer response)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Obtains an audit summary without incurring the cost of generating an audit session first.
      int getUsedMatchKeys​(long session, String fromDataSource, String toDataSource, int matchLevel, StringBuffer response)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Using the specified audit session handle, obtains the match keys that are used for entities connected by the two specified data sources for the given match level.
      int getUsedPrinciples​(long session, String fromDataSource, String toDataSource, int matchLevel, StringBuffer response)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Using the specified audit session handle, obtains the principles that are used for entities connected by the two specified data sources for the given match level.
      int initV2​(String moduleName, String iniParams, boolean verboseLogging)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Initializes the G2 Audit API with the specified module name, init parameters and flag indicating verbose logging.
      int initWithConfigIDV2​(String moduleName, String iniParams, long initConfigID, boolean verboseLogging)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Initializes the G2 Audit API with the module name, initialization parameters, verbose logging flag and a specific configuration ID identifying the configuration to use.
      long openSession()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Opens a new audit session and returns the session handle.
      int reinitV2​(long initConfigID)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Reinitializes with the specified configuration ID.
    • Method Detail

      • initV2

        int initV2​(String moduleName,
                   String iniParams,
                   boolean verboseLogging)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Initializes the G2 Audit API with the specified module name, init parameters and flag indicating verbose logging. If the G2CONFIGFILE init parameter is absent then the default configuration from the repository is used.
        moduleName - A short name given to this audit API instance
        iniParams - A JSON string containing configuration parameters
        verboseLogging - Enable diagnostic logging which will print a massive amount of information to stdout
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • initWithConfigIDV2

        int initWithConfigIDV2​(String moduleName,
                               String iniParams,
                               long initConfigID,
                               boolean verboseLogging)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Initializes the G2 Audit API with the module name, initialization parameters, verbose logging flag and a specific configuration ID identifying the configuration to use.
        moduleName - The module name with which to initialize.
        iniParams - The JSON initialization parameters.
        initConfigID - The specific configuration ID to initialize with.
        verboseLogging - Whether or not to initialize with verbose logging.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • reinitV2

        int reinitV2​(long initConfigID)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Reinitializes with the specified configuration ID.
        initConfigID - The configuration ID with which to reinitialize.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • destroy

        int destroy()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Uninitializes the G2 audit API.
        Zero (0) on success, negative-one (-1) if the engine is not initialized.
      • openSession

        long openSession()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Opens a new audit session and returns the session handle. If a failure occurs then a negative number is returned.
        The audit session handle or a negative number if a failure occurs.
      • cancelSession

        void cancelSession​(long session)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Cancels an audit session and closes it even if it is in the middle of an operation (especially getSummaryData(long,StringBuffer).
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
      • closeSession

        void closeSession​(long session)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Closes an audit session that was previously opened with openSession().
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
      • getSummaryData

        int getSummaryData​(long session,
                           StringBuffer response)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Obtains an audit summary using the specified session handle previously obtained from openSession(). The audit summary is provided as a JSON document written to the specified StringBuffer.
           "SUMMARY_AUDIT_INFO": {
                   "RESOLVED_ENTITY_COUNT": 6,
                         "OBSERVED_ENTITY_COUNT": 12,
                         "RECORD_COUNT": 12,
                         "AUDIT_INFO": [
                                   "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DATA_SOURCE_A",
                                         "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DATA_SOURCE_B",
                                         "FROM_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "FROM_SINGLE_COUNT": 0,
                                         "TO_SINGLE_COUNT": 0,
                                         "FROM_OBS_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_OBS_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "FROM_RECORD_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_RECORD_COUNT": 3,
                                         "MATCHED_COUNT": 0,
                                         "MATCHED_ENTITY_COUNT": 0,
                                         "POSSIBLE_MATCH_COUNT": 3,
                                         "DISCOVERED_RELATIONSHIP_COUNT": 0,
                                         "DISCLOSED_RELATIONSHIP_COUNT": 0
              . . .
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
        response - The StringBuffer to write the audit summary JSON to.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • getSummaryDataDirect

        int getSummaryDataDirect​(StringBuffer response)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Obtains an audit summary without incurring the cost of generating an audit session first. This is a faster way of obtaining the audit summary than first opening an audit session. The audit summary is provided as a JSON document written to the specified StringBuffer.
           "SUMMARY_AUDIT_INFO": {
                   "RESOLVED_ENTITY_COUNT": 6,
                         "OBSERVED_ENTITY_COUNT": 12,
                         "RECORD_COUNT": 12,
                         "AUDIT_INFO": [
                                   "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DATA_SOURCE_A",
                                         "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DATA_SOURCE_B",
                                         "FROM_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "FROM_SINGLE_COUNT": 0,
                                         "TO_SINGLE_COUNT": 0,
                                         "FROM_OBS_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_OBS_ENTITY_COUNT": 3,
                                         "FROM_RECORD_COUNT": 3,
                                         "TO_RECORD_COUNT": 3,
                                         "MATCHED_COUNT": 0,
                                         "MATCHED_ENTITY_COUNT": 0,
                                         "POSSIBLE_MATCH_COUNT": 3,
                                         "DISCOVERED_RELATIONSHIP_COUNT": 0,
                                         "DISCLOSED_RELATIONSHIP_COUNT": 0
              . . .
        response - The StringBuffer to write the audit summary JSON to.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • getUsedMatchKeys

        int getUsedMatchKeys​(long session,
                             String fromDataSource,
                             String toDataSource,
                             int matchLevel,
                             StringBuffer response)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Using the specified audit session handle, obtains the match keys that are used for entities connected by the two specified data sources for the given match level. Match levels are as follows:
        • 1: Match
        • 2: Possible Match
        • 3: Possibly Related

        The JSON response is formatted as follows:

                "DISTINCT_MATCH_KEY_INFO": {
                        "MATCH_KEY_INFO": [
                                        "MATCH_KEY": "+ADDRESS+SSN",
                                        "COUNT": 2
                                        "MATCH_KEY": "+SSN",
                                        "COUNT": 6
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
        fromDataSource - The "from" data source code.
        toDataSource - The "to" data source code.
        matchLevel - The match level.
        response - The StringBuffer to write the JSON response to.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • getUsedPrinciples

        int getUsedPrinciples​(long session,
                              String fromDataSource,
                              String toDataSource,
                              int matchLevel,
                              StringBuffer response)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Using the specified audit session handle, obtains the principles that are used for entities connected by the two specified data sources for the given match level. Match levels are as follows:
        • 1: Match
        • 2: Possible Match
        • 3: Possibly Related

        The JSON response is formatted as follows:

                "DISTINCT_PRINCIPLE_INFO": {
                        "PRINCIPLE_INFO": [
                                        "PRINCIPLE": "DISCLOSED",
                                        "COUNT": 8
                                        "PRINCIPLE": "DISCLOSED",
                                        "COUNT": 2
                                        "PRINCIPLE": "SF1E",
                                        "COUNT": 4
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
        fromDataSource - The "from" data source code.
        toDataSource - The "to" data source code.
        matchLevel - The match level.
        response - The StringBuffer to write the JSON response to.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • getAuditReport

        long getAuditReport​(long session,
                            String fromDataSource,
                            String toDataSource,
                            int matchLevel)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Uses the specified session handle obtained from openSession() to create an audit report for the entities connected at the specified match level having the specified data sources. A handle to the report is returned and the pages of the report can be obtained via fetchNextV2(long, StringBuffer) (or fetchNext(long)). Match levels are as follows:
        • 1: Match
        • 2: Possible Match
        • 3: Possibly Related
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
        fromDataSource - The "from" data source code.
        toDataSource - The "to" data source code.
        matchLevel - The match level.
        A positive report handle on success and a negative number on failure.
      • getAuditReportV2

        int getAuditReportV2​(long session,
                             String fromDataSource,
                             String toDataSource,
                             int matchLevel,
                             Result<Long> reportHandle)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Uses the specified session handle obtained from openSession() to create an audit report for the entities connected at the specified match level having the specified data sources. A handle to the report is returned and the pages of the report can be obtained via fetchNextV2(long, StringBuffer) (or fetchNext(long)).
        session - The session handle that was obtained from openSession().
        fromDataSource - The "from" data source code.
        toDataSource - The "to" data source code.
        matchLevel - The match level.
        reportHandle - The Result that will be set with the report handle value on success.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • fetchNext

        String fetchNext​(long reportHandle)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        This function is used to fetch the next audit group from an audit report using the specified audit report handle. The JSON text for the next audit group is returned. The audit group JSON is formatted as follows:
                        "AUDIT_PAGE": {
                                "AUDIT_GROUPS": [
                                                "BASE_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-2",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "AUDIT_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-3",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "ECL_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-1",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_111",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 0,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 0,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-4",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_444",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "AUDIT_KEY": "1",
                                                "AUDIT_NAME": "Washington George",
                                                "AUDIT_TYPE": "MATCH",
                                                "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                                "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333"
                                "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333",
                                "MATCH_LEVEL": 1,
                                "FIRST_RECORD_INDEX": 654321
        reportHandle - The report handle to retrieve data from
        Returns the String containing the JSON representation of the audit group.
      • fetchNextV2

        int fetchNextV2​(long reportHandle,
                        StringBuffer response)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        This function is used to fetch the next audit group from an audit report using the specified audit report handle. The JSON text for the next audit group is written to the specified StringBuffer. The audit group JSON is formatted as follows:
                        "AUDIT_PAGE": {
                                "AUDIT_GROUPS": [
                                                "BASE_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-2",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "AUDIT_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-3",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "ECL_RECORD": [
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-1",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_111",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 0,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 0,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                                "ENTITY_ID": 1,
                                                                "PRINCIPLE": "SF1_PNAME_CSTAB",
                                                                "MATCH_KEY": "+NAME+SSN+SSN_LAST4",
                                                                "RECORD_ID": "test-1-4",
                                                                "ENTITY_TYPE": "TEST",
                                                                "DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_444",
                                                                "MATCH_TYPE": 1,
                                                                "REF_SCORE": 9,
                                                                "NAME_DATA": [
                                                                        "Washington George"
                                                                "ATTRIBUTE_DATA": [],
                                                                "IDENTIFIER_DATA": [
                                                                        "SSN_LAST4: 2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 353-35-2623",
                                                                        "SSN: 434-85-3685"
                                                                "ADDRESS_DATA": [],
                                                                "PHONE_DATA": [],
                                                                "RELATIONSHIP_DATA": [],
                                                                "ENTITY_DATA": [],
                                                                "OTHER_DATA": []
                                                "AUDIT_KEY": "1",
                                                "AUDIT_NAME": "Washington George",
                                                "AUDIT_TYPE": "MATCH",
                                                "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                                "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333"
                                "FROM_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_222",
                                "TO_DATA_SOURCE": "DSRC_TYPE_333",
                                "MATCH_LEVEL": 1,
                                "FIRST_RECORD_INDEX": 654321
        reportHandle - The report handle to retrieve data from
        response - The StringBuffer to write the JSON response to.
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.
      • closeReport

        void closeReport​(long reportHandle)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        This function closes the report handle that was previously obtained from openSession() and subsequently releases the associated system resources.
        reportHandle - The report handle to retrieve data from
      • closeReportV2

        int closeReportV2​(long reportHandle)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        This function closes the report handle that was previously obtained from openSession() and subsequently releases the associated system resources.
        reportHandle - The report handle to retrieve data from
        Zero (0) on success, non-zero on failure.