Class G2ExpressedFeaturePlugin.ProcessingContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessingContext

        public ProcessingContext​(List<FeatureInfo> input)
        Constructs with the List of FeatureInfo instances describing the feature values to be processed.
        input - The List of FeatureInfo instances to be processed.
    • Method Detail

      • getResult

        public List<FeatureInfo> getResult()
        Gets the modifiable result List. The caller is expected to call List.add(Object) one or more times to add results.
        The modifiable result List.
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        Get the error message (if any).
        The error message that was set or null if no error.
      • setErrorMessage

        public void setErrorMessage​(String message)
        Sets the error message (if any).
        message - The error message to set if an error occurs, or null to clear an error.