Class G2SuppressedFeaturePlugin.GeneralizationCheckContext

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class G2SuppressedFeaturePlugin.GeneralizationCheckContext
    extends Object
    Context for processing.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralizationCheckContext

        public GeneralizationCheckContext​(FeatureInfo primaryFeature,
                                          FeatureInfo possibleGeneralizationFeature)
        Constructs with the features to check for generalization.
        primaryFeature - The FeatureInfo describing the primary feature.
        possibleGeneralizationFeature - The FeatureInfo describing the possible generalization feature.
    • Method Detail

      • getPrimaryComponents

        public FeatureInfo getPrimaryComponents()
        Gets the primary feature.
        The primary feature.
      • getPossibleGeneralizationComponents

        public FeatureInfo getPossibleGeneralizationComponents()
        Gets the possibly generalized feature.
        The possibly generalized feature.
      • isGeneralized

        public boolean isGeneralized()
        Returns whether or not the feature in question was determined to be a generalization of the primary feature.
        true if the feature in question is a generalization, otherwise false.
      • setGeneralized

        public void setGeneralized​(boolean gen)
        Set the flag indicating whether the feature in question was determined to be a generalization of the primary feature
        gen - A flag indicating whether the feature is a generalization.
      • getErrorMessage

        public String getErrorMessage()
        Get the error message (if any).
        The error message that was set or null if no error.
      • setErrorMessage

        public void setErrorMessage​(String message)
        Sets the error message (if any).
        message - The error message to set if an error occurs, or null to clear an error.