


Service to provide methods and properties from the api server 'admin' endpoint. provides things like lib versions and license info.




constructor(adminService: AdminService, configService: ConfigService, bulkDataService: BulkDataService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
adminService AdminService No
configService ConfigService No
bulkDataService BulkDataService No


Public addDataSources
addDataSources(body?: DatasourcesBody | string, dataSource?: string[], withRaw?: boolean, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
body DatasourcesBody | string Yes
dataSource string[] Yes
withRaw boolean Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzDataSourcesResponseData>
Public analyzeBulkRecords
analyzeBulkRecords(body: string | Blob | File | literal type[], progressPeriod?: string, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
body string | Blob | File | literal type[] No
progressPeriod string Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Public getActiveConfig
getActiveConfig(observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzConfigResponse>
Public getAttributeType
getAttributeType(attrCode: string, withRaw?)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
attrCode string No
withRaw Yes
Returns : Observable<SzAttributeType>
Public getAttributeTypes
getAttributeTypes(withInternal?: boolean, attributeClass?: SzAttributeClass, featureType?: string, withRaw?: boolean, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
withInternal boolean Yes
attributeClass SzAttributeClass Yes
featureType string Yes
withRaw boolean Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzAttributeTypesResponseData>
Public getDataSource
getDataSource(dataSourceCode: string, withRaw?: boolean, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
dataSourceCode string No
withRaw boolean Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzDataSourceResponse>
Public getHeartbeat

get diagnostic information from the rest-api-server host

Returns : Observable<SzMeta>
Public getLicenseInfo

get diagnostic information from the rest-api-server host

Returns : Observable<SzLicenseInfo>
Public getServerInfo

get server information from the rest-api-server host

Returns : Observable<SzServerInfo>
Public getServerInfoMetadata
Returns : Observable<SzMeta>
Public getVersionInfo

get diagnostic information from the rest-api-server host

Returns : Observable<SzVersionInfo>
Public listDataSources
listDataSources(withRaw?: boolean, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
withRaw boolean Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzDataSourcesResponse>
Public loadBulkRecords
loadBulkRecords(body: string | Blob | File | literal type[], dataSource?: string, mapDataSources?: string, mapDataSource?: string[], maxFailures?: string | number, progressPeriod?: string, eofSendFileTimeout?: string | number, observe?, reportProgress?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
body string | Blob | File | literal type[] No
dataSource string Yes
mapDataSources string Yes
mapDataSource string[] Yes
maxFailures string | number Yes
progressPeriod string Yes
eofSendFileTimeout string | number Yes
observe Yes
reportProgress boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<SzBulkLoadResponse>


Public activeConfigId
Type : number
Public adminEnabled
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Public apiServerVersion
Type : string

release version of the senzing-rest-api server being used

Public concurrency
Type : number

properties from serverInfo endpoint

Public configCompatibilityVersion
Type : string

compatibility integer

Public dynamicConfig
Type : boolean
Public graphComponentsVersion
Type : string

version of the @senzing/sdk-graph-components package being used

Public licenseInfo
Type : SzLicenseInfo

license information from the api server interface

Public nativeApiBuildDate
Type : Date

datatime of when the native api used was built

Public nativeApiBuildNumber
Type : string

native api build

Public nativeApiVersion
Type : string

version of the native api being used

Public onLicenseInfo
Type : Subject<SzLicenseInfo>
Default value : new BehaviorSubject<SzLicenseInfo>({})
Public onServerInfo
Type : Subject<SzServerInfo>
Default value : new BehaviorSubject<SzServerInfo>({})
Public onVersionInfo
Type : Subject<SzVersionInfo>
Default value : new BehaviorSubject<SzVersionInfo>({})

event broadcasters

Public readOnly
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Public restApiClientVersion
Type : string

version of the @senzing/rest-api-client-ng package

Public restApiVersion
Type : string

version of the OAS senzing-rest-api spec being used

Public sdkComponentsVersion
Type : string

release version of the @senzing/sdk-components-ng package

Public serverInfo
Type : SzServerInfo

server information from the api server interface

Public versionInfo
Type : SzVersionInfo

version information from the api server interface

results matching ""

    No results matching ""